
Every morning I walk to work, I fear I’ll step outside and feel the burst of humidity and unbearable heat. December through February marks the cool(er), dry season in the Philippines. I’ve had the luxury of enjoying a nice breeze on my 10-minute commute, and hide away in the cool (actually, freezing) office, equipped with central air (AirCon as we call it here) during the warmest part of the day. March through June brings the hot, dry season. It’s about 85 degrees here now, so when I say hot, I mean hot. And I know it’s bad because even the Filipinos hide in the air conditioned malls then (so I’m told). So, I walked out this morning and it happened. I sweat the entire way to the office. I’m a baby. I hate uncomfortable temperature. Anyway, I was annoyed at that. Then it rained. I was even more annoyed at that. Needless to say, I had a pretty frustrating day. Which leads me to this…

I’ve been very thoughtful about not writing in my blog these past two weeks. It’s not because I want to keep anyone in the dark but because this transition has not at all been a carousel ride. I’ve already wanted to go home about 10 times and I’ve noted about 100 reasons why I hate living here and even more about why I love home. I whined to the people who love me regardless and I strategically vented to those who would never let me come home. Then it hit me when I was on my way to renew my visa.

I sat in the back of a taxi with my friend, unable to breathe, thanks to the pollution. We were stuck in traffic because, by the way, there are more people in Manila than you could EVER imagine and half of them are on the road. Then I looked to my right and saw a Wanted sign stuck to a pillar that held up the above-ground subway. On it was a man’s dirty, scruffy face and some writing I couldn’t make out. If I were to repeat the pattern of thoughts that developed since I moved here, I would have counted my lack of safety as a reason to escape from this place…but I didn’t. I immediately started thanking God in my head. I thanked Him that I have a place to go, a place that I call home, where I feel completely safe…and the list kept going on and on and on. Like this…

Thank You for safety. Thank You for a family. Thank You for friends. Thank you for security. Thank you for education. Thank You for a bed. Thank You for a house. Thank You for my mom. Thank You for my dad. Thank You for a future. Thank You for freedom. Thank You for cleanliness. Thank You for wealth. Thank You for water. Thank You for hope. Thank You for seasons. Thank You for safety. Thank You for a family. Thank You for friends. Thank you for security. Thank you for education. Thank You for a bed. Thank You for a house. Thank You for my mom. Thank You for my dad. Thank You for a future. Thank You for freedom. Thank You for cleanliness. Thank You for wealth. Thank You for water. Thank You for hope. Thank You for a job. Thank You for clean air. Thank You for love. Thank You for peace. Thank You for justice. Thank You for grass. Thank You for showers. Thank You for books. Thank You for direction. Thank You for medicine. Thank You for technology. Thank you for church. Thank You for challenges. Thank You for a job. Thank You for clean air. Thank You for love. Thank You for peace. Thank You for justice. Thank You for grass. Thank You for showers. Thank You for books. Thank You for direction. Thank You for medicine. Thank You for technology. Thank you for church. Thank You for challenges. Thank you that I know You. Thank You for Michael. Thank You for friends. Thank You for food. Thank You for protection. Thank You for breath. Thank You for today. Thank You….

I couldn’t stop! My friend spoke to me after a while and we entered into a conversation. I forgot about those few minutes with God in the taxi until we got back to the office and I realized that I was happy and enjoying my time.

There are things I don’t like about the Philippines, but this is very true: it’s clear that I was brought here for a reason. I’m reminded of that every time I look at one of our clients in the face and tell her she’s beautiful. This time is not about me, it’s about them and it’s about God. I’m being shaped in the midst of it and it’s amazing. It hurts. I’m annoyed. I’m sad. I’m uncomfortable. But in the times that I’m reminded of how thankful I am, I try and reflect on this verse that God spoke to me so clearly over the past year:

“I beseech you brethren, therefore, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2

 Negative thoughts return — like today, when I hated the weather, but each experience (like the one in the taxi) makes me see this life a little bit differently, with a little more perspective…and I’m thankful for that too.

8 responses to “Wanted:

  1. I was just praying for you this morning as I did some work around the house….thinking something must be up because you hadn’t been blogging….and you love blogs!!! So thank You, Lord, that our Annie is back. You are right, we have so much to be thankful for. We have so much that we don’t even think about because it’s always been there, part of the background….moms and dads (great ones!), comfortable temperatures, enough water to quech our thirst and extra to luxuriate in, people who love us and treat us with respect and honor and who make us laugh and don’t hurt us (even if they do beat us at Words with Friends). God is good! Point your hurting girls to Him. That’s why He sent you there.
    We are very proud of you. YOU are beautiful.
    🙂 Martha (and Tom)

  2. Hi Annie, you know, just about every time I read something you have written, tears form in my eyes and a smile appears on my face. You’re right Annie, we are to be thankful for so much we take for granted. I’m thankful that you are where you are. I’m thankful your heart and soul are given to your God and through him, able to share your wisdom, faith and guidance to those who need you the most right now. But, I think more than anything, I am thankful to God to be blessed with you. You make me so proud my ‘little girl’. I love you, Mama

  3. Thanks for letting us know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling Annie. It helps us to know how to pray for you. Be encouraged! You are just getting started on a great adventure that will have have an impact on someone’s eternity. Blessings! Tom

  4. It’s obvious that this time is about you too – you are becoming an even more beautiful you. Who would have thought that was possible!!!! You are DAILY in our prayers! Love you, Kathi

  5. Christine Jeminey

    Wow! Being a bystander watching God working in the lives of others is just as exciting as see Him work in my own life. Never get sick of it! Thanks for your honesty, and for your love for others that could only flow from your love of Christ. Yet again the enemy tries – and yet again the enemy fails. If there was an image to explain what my heart feels for you at this moment, it would be a huge intersection with broken traffic lights. When it isn’t clear which way to go or who has right of way, we look to the Guy in the center of the road directing traffic. As long as you can see Him, you’ll go the right way. Keep going girl! God’s grace and peace to you!

  6. Thank you God for Annie! ✞ Blessings to you, sweet girl! I continue to pray for you and now have more clarity on exactly what I should pray for. Thank you for being so honest and for allowing me to be reminded how thankful I should be for all I have. Stay safe. ♡

  7. That’s me above, as I failed to type last name!

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