First Step

I don’t know if I’ll be able to post this but, with high hopes that with the ten minutes of battery-life that I have left (yes, stupid me for not charging my computer before I left) and flawless airport navigation in Seoul, I will be allowed enough time to quickly post this and inform everyone of how the kick-off to my trip to the Philippines is going! Crossing my fingers that it all goes according to plan.

Saying goodbye to my family and friends was hard and sad, as I expected it to be. I cried, they cried, we held on tight to one another, and I swear I fought my feet to turn around in the airport security line as I walked toward TSA and waved goodbye to my parents and Michael. I was irritable in line – and sobbing. I didn’t care at that point who witnessed my grief. Of course, I was pushed through and yelled at when I was moving too slow but when I quickly and bluntly replied to TSA staff that I was patiently waiting for more luggage to pass through the conveyor belt (and tears streamed down my face), he cracked a smile and a joke, and didn’t let up until he saw my teeth too. People really are kind.

Turns out, I boarded at the same gate as I previously boarded at on my trip to Egypt and Israel a few months ago! I don’t buy into good signs and omens but it was still nice to see a familiar part of JFK Airport, especially since I’ve only been there once before in my life…and my sense of direction is worse than a toddler’s. Many wouldn’t be surprised that I was still sobbing at this point. My cheeks and the neckline of my shirt were drenched and all I could do was clutch the Eeyore stuffed animal my mom and dad got me (I grew up loving Eeyore and yes I’m 24…whatever) and gaze at the pictures that my family, Mike and I took before I left. Then, a girl (from America) came up to me. She asked me about my trip and told me that she’s moving away for a year too. I assumed she traveled a lot because her eyes were dry, her make-up was flawless and she could hold a sentence without getting chocked-up. She let me know that her journey started about 7 hours before mine and she already went through the tears and fears part. Ah-ha! There was hope for me yet! I would not be a sobbing mess all the way to Seoul!!! I was put at ease by this nice lady and waved goodbye and thanked her for reaching out to me as she left to board the plane.

Best part: right now I’m sitting in my seat – an aisle, thank God because I’m majorly claustrophobic –  two seats away from me is another nice lady who teaches me Korean in between naps and between us sits NO ONE! 16 hours of leg and arm space…yes! The flight was bumpy at first but I was okay. I have a (irrational, although I hate to admit it) fear of flying – turbulence makes my heart race – but God gave me peace because I felt great.

I’ll arrive in the Philippines around 10:30 p.m. on Jan. 30 their time – that’s 9:30 a.m. back home. I’m sad to leave but I cannot wait to touch down on Filipino land! I miss everyone already. I know it will get easier and the love I can give people who need it will outweigh my own selfish desire to be home. But seriously, who wouldn’t miss this face?

7 responses to “First Step

  1. So good to hear from you. Wow! God sure sent comfort to you as you embarked in your journey of obedience. You had me sitting here at 6a crying as I’m readingy your post! Well gotta finish getting ready for work. Keep it coming! Love reading and hearing from you. I used to live in Korea as a child. We traveled by ship though. I was too young to remember the airport. Love ya!

  2. Dear Annie,
    So happy to hear you are doing so well, and that you are safe, everyone here is praying for you !!!
    Hugs from home.

  3. my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the lord. We know that you will bring many blessings in the name of Jesus to those in need

  4. I love you so much!! You are so brave and starting your amazing journey! FB-ing with you today made me feel happy :))) xoxo

  5. That is awesome Annie, I hope that God blesses you through your trip!

  6. Yay! You’re there! We prayed for you today at work. It was strange not having you behind me. Keep posting…and we’ll keep praying. I’m excited for you…God is going to do great things.
    I predict you will cry just as much when you leave. 🙂

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